Friday 4 February 2011

Launching the Youth Arts Network! Relaunched!

We had to cancel the launch of the network, originally scheduled for 2nd December - who knew it would snow so early in the year?

So now that we've all enjoyed Christmas and embraced 2011 with enthusiasm, we are ready to re-launch the launch!  On
Tuesday 8th February from 3 - 5pm
we will be meeting at:
Buxton Dome, Derby Uni, Devonshire Campus, 1 Devonshire Road, Buxton
for an open discussion about how a network could work, and what it could do to help groups and organisations promote their work, collaborate with our neighbours and reach our higher ground!

From 3pm there will be refreshments and a chance to look through the information we have already drawn together about groups that exist in the area.  We will then come together to meet and there will be a chance for groups to present more information about what they do.  Our colleague James Cross spent considerable time last year researching other youth arts networks, and he will give a brief overview of his findings, describing how other networks function and what they get out of it.  With that overview in mind, we will then break into small discussion groups, looking at different topics and gather as many ideas as possible.

With the hard work done, we will take a closer look at the resources available to the network, with a word from Dan White at the Donut Centre in Chesterfield and another look at the functions of this blog - opportunities to post information and use Facebook to reach a wider audience.  Finally we will sum up the discussion groups and suggest some options for the future.

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